Иорш Иван Владимирович Профессор, главный научный сотрудник физического факультетаРуководитель международной научной лаборатории фотопроцессов в мезоскопических системах Персоналия университета ИТМО Перейти к содержимому страницы.

Иорш Иван Владимирович EnEnglish

Ученая степень:
доктор физико-математических наук
Профессор, главный научный сотрудник физического факультета
Руководитель международной научной лаборатории фотопроцессов в мезоскопических системах

Иорш Иван Владимирович – кандидат ф.-м. наук, доцент и научный сотрудник физико-технического факультета, руководитель Международной научной лаборатории фотопроцессов в мезоскопических системах.



Masharin M.A., Khmelevskaia D., Kondratiev V.I., Markina D.I., Utyushev A.D., Dolgintsev D.M., Dmitriev A.A., Shahnazaryan V.A., Pushkarev A.P., Furkan I., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A., Demir H., Samusev A.K., Makarov S.V.

Polariton lasing in Mie-resonant perovskite nanocavity//Opto-Electronic Advances, 2024, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 230148 Подробнее

Khestanova E., Shahnazaryan V., Kozin V.K., Kondratyev V.I., Krizhanovskii D.N., Skolnick M., Shelykh I.A., Iorsh I.V., Kravtsov V.

Electrostatic Control of Nonlinear Photonic-Crystal Polaritons in a Monolayer Semiconductor//Nano Letters, 2024, Vol. 24, No. 24, pp. 7350–7357 Подробнее

Ilin D., Tokatly I., Iorsh I.V.

Optomechanics with cavity vacuum fluctuations: Self-alignment and collective rotation mediated by Casimir torque//Physical Review A, 2024, Vol. 109, No. 4, pp. 043707 Подробнее

Deriy I., Lezhennikova K., Glybovski S., Belov P., Iorsh I., Song M., Bogdanov A.

No reflection paradox at the boundary of hyperbolic medium//Proceedings of SPIE, 2023, Vol. 12606, pp. 126061A Подробнее

Mikkola S., Chestnov I., Iorsh I., Shahnazaryan V.

Exciton localization on a magnetic domain wall in MoSe2-CrI3 heterostructures//Physical Review B, 2023, Vol. 108, No. 20, pp. L201403 Подробнее

Abramov A., Chestnov I.Y., Iorsh I.V., Kravtcov V.A.

Localization microscopy of single photon emitters in locally strained monolayer semiconductor [Локализационная микроскопия источников одиночных фотонов в локально деформированных монослоях полупроводников]//Научно-технические ведомости Санкт-Петербургского государственного политехнического университета. Физико-математические науки = St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. Physics and Mathematics, 2023, Vol. 16, No. S3.1, pp. 273-277 Подробнее

Krivosenko Y.S., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Interacting exciton-polaritons in cylindric micropillars//Physical Review Applied, 2023, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 044008 Подробнее

Mikhin A.O., Shubnic A.A., Ivanova T.V., Shelykh I.A., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V.

Bulk ReSe2: Record High Refractive Index and Biaxially Anisotropic Material for All-Dielectric Nanophotonics//ACS Photonics, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 1769-1774 Подробнее

Benimetskiy F.A., Yulin A., Mikhin A.O., Kravtsov V., Iorsh I.V., Skolnick M.S., Shelykh I.A., Krizhanovskii D.N., Samusev A.K.

Nonlinear self-action of ultrashort guided exciton-polariton pulses in dielectric slab coupled to 2D semiconductor//2D Materials, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 045016 Подробнее

Ilin D., Poshakinskiy A.V., Poddubny A.N., Iorsh I.

Frequency Combs with Parity-Protected Cross-Correlations and Entanglement from Dynamically Modulated Qubit Arrays//Physical Review Letters, 2023, Vol. 130, No. 2, pp. 023601 Подробнее

Masharin M.A., Samusev A.K., Bogdanov A.A., Iorsh I.V., Demir H.V., Makarov S.V.

Room-Temperature Exceptional-Point-Driven Polariton Lasing from Perovskite Metasurface//Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, Vol. 33, No. 22, pp. 2215007 Подробнее

Sheremet A., Petrov M.I., Iorsh I.V., Poshakinskiy A.V., Poddubny A.N.

Waveguide quantum electrodynamics: Collective radiance and photon-photon correlations//Reviews of Modern Physics, 2023, Vol. 95, No. 1, pp. 015002 Подробнее

Koreshin E., Matchenya I., Karsakov G., Ilin D., Iorsh I., Belov P.

Electrostatic screening in a wire medium//Physical Review B, 2023, Vol. 107, No. 11, pp. 115170 Подробнее

Ermolaev G., Pushkarev A.P., Zhizhchenko A., Kuchmizhak A.A., Iorsh I., Kruglov I., Mazitov A., Ishteev A., Konstantinova K., Saranin D., Slavich A., Stosic D., Zhukova E.S., Tselikov G., Di Carlo A., Arsenin A., Novoselov K.S., Makarov S.V., Volkov V.S.

Giant and Tunable Excitonic Optical Anisotropy in Single-Crystal Halide Perovskites//Nano Letters, 2023, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp. 2570–2577 Подробнее

Masharin M.A., Shahnazaryan V.A., Iorsh I.V., Makarov S.V., Samusev A.K., Shelykh I.A.

Room-Temperature Polaron-Mediated Polariton Nonlinearity in MAPbBr3 Perovskites//ACS Photonics, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 691–698 Подробнее

Kudlis A., Novokreschenov D., Iorsh I., Tokatly I.V.

Nonperturbative effects of deep strong light-matter interaction in a mesoscopic cavity-QED system//Physical Review A, 2023, Vol. 108, No. 5, pp. L051701 Подробнее

Koreshin E., Matchenya I., Karsakov G., Ilin D., Iorsh I., Belov P.

Electrostatic properties of finite slab of wire medium//DAYS ON DIFFRACTION 2023 ABSTRACTS, 2023, pp. 97

Novokreschenov D., Kudlis A., Iorsh I., Tokatly I.V.

Quantum electrodynamical density functional theory for generalized Dicke model//Physical Review B, 2023, Vol. 108, No. 23, pp. 235424 Подробнее

Shaban P.S., Lobanov I.S., Uzdin V.M., Iorsh I.V.

Skyrmion dynamics in moire magnets//Physical Review B, 2023, Vol. 108, No. 17, pp. 174440 Подробнее

Kondratyev V.I., Permyakov D.V., Ivanova T.V., Iorsh I.V., Krizhanovskii D.N., Skolnick M., Kravtsov V., Samusev A.K.

Probing and control of guided exciton-polaritons in a 2D semiconductor-integrated slab waveguide//Nano Letters, 2023, Vol. 23, No. 17, pp. 7876-7882 Подробнее

Osipov A.N., Iorsh I.V., Yulin A.V., Shelykh I.A.

Transport regimes for exciton polaritons in disordered microcavities//Physical Review B, 2023, Vol. 108, No. 10, pp. 104202 Подробнее

Abramov A., Chestnov I.Y., Alimova E.S., Ivanova T., Mukhin I.S., Krizhanovskii D.N., Shelykh I.A., Iorsh I.V., Kravtsov V.

Photoluminescence imaging of single photon emitters within nanoscale strain profiles in monolayer WSe2//Nature Communications, 2023, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 5737 Подробнее

Kravtsov V., Ivanova T.V., Abramov A., Shilina P., Kapralov P.O., Krizhanovskii D.N., Berzhansky V., Belotelov V., Shelykh I.A., Chernov A., Iorsh I.V.

Valley polarization of trions in monolayer MoSe2interfaced with bismuth iron garnet//2D Materials, 2022, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 015019 Подробнее

Baghdasaryan D., Hakobyan E.S., Hayrapetyan D.B., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A., Shahnazaryan V.

Tunable strongly interacting dipolar excitons in hybrid perovskites//Physical Review Materials, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 034003 Подробнее

Abramov A., Честнов И.Ю., Иорш И.В., Кравцов В.А.

Localization microscopy of single photon emitters in locally strained monolayer semiconductor, 2022

Ado I.A., Rahmanova G., Zezyulin D.A., Iorsh I., Titov M.

Quartic asymmetric exchange for two-dimensional ferromagnets with trigonal prismatic symmetry//Physical Review B, 2022, Vol. 106, No. 14, pp. 144407 Подробнее

Sedov D.D., Shirobokov V.P., Iorsh I.V., Tokatly I.V.

Cavity-induced chiral edge currents and spontaneous magnetization in two-dimensional electron systems//Physical Review B, 2022, Vol. 106, No. 20, pp. 205114 Подробнее

Sedov D.D., Shirobokov V.P., Tokatly I.V., Iorsh I.V.

Cavity induced chiral edge currents and spontaneous magnetization in two-dimensional electron systems//Arxiv, 2022, pp. 1-7 Подробнее

Rakhmanova G.R., Sedov D.D., Iorsh I.V.

Transport and optical phenomena in two-dimensional Dirac semimetals//Научно-технические ведомости Санкт-Петербургского государственного политехнического университета. Физико-математические науки = St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. Physics and Mathematics, 2022, Vol. 15, No. S3.3, pp. 18-21 Подробнее

Olekhno N.A., Petrov M.I., Iorsh I.V., Sukhorukov A.A., Solntsev A.S.

Generating N00N-states of surface plasmon-polariton pairs in a nonlinear nanoparticle on metallic substrate//Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2022, ICLO 2022, 2022, pp. 1-1 Подробнее

Masharin M.A., Shahnazaryan V.A., Benimetskiy F., Krizhanovskii D.N., Shelykh I.A., Iorsh I.V., Makarov S.V., Samusev A.K.

Polaron-Enhanced Polariton Nonlinearity in Lead Halide Perovskites//Nano Letters, 2022, Vol. 22, No. 22, pp. 9092-9099 Подробнее

Zezyulin D.A., Kolodny S.A., Kibis O.V., Tokatly I.V., Iorsh I.V.

Dynamical stabilization by vacuum fluctuations in a cavity: Resonant electron scattering in the ultrastrong light-matter coupling regime//Physical Review A, 2022, Vol. 106, No. 4, pp. 043708 Подробнее

Kudlis A., Iorsh I., Tokatly I.V.

Dissipation and spontaneous emission in quantum electrodynamical density functional theory based on optimized effective potential: A proof of concept study//Physical Review B, 2022, Vol. 105, No. 5, pp. 054317 Подробнее

Shan H., Iorsh I., Han B., Rupprecht C., Knopf H., Eilenberger F., Esmann M., Yumigeta K., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Klembt S., Hofling S., Tongay S., Anton-Solanas C., Shelykh I.A., Schneider C.

Brightening of a dark monolayer semiconductor via strong light-matter coupling in a cavity//Nature Communications, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 3001 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Zezyulin D.A., Kolodny S.A., Sinitskiy R., Kibis O.V.

Floquet engineering of excitons in semiconductor quantum dots//Physical Review B, 2022, Vol. 105, No. 16, pp. 165414 Подробнее

Belogur A., Baghdasaryan D., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A., Shahnazaryan V.

Theory of Nonlinear Excitonic Response of Hybrid Organic Perovskites in the Regime of Strong Light-Matter Coupling//Physical Review Applied, 2022, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 044048 Подробнее

Zvyagintseva D., Sigurdsson H., Kozin V.K., Iorsh I., Shelykh I.A., Ulyantsev V., Kyriienko O.

Machine learning of phase transitions in nonlinear polariton lattices//Communications Physics, 2022, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 8 Подробнее

Rakhmanova G.R., Osipov A.N., Ilyin D., Shushakova I.V., Ado I.A., Iorsh I.V., Titov M.

Signatures of quartic asymmetric exchange in a class of two-dimensional magnets//Physical Review B, 2022, Vol. 105, No. 2, pp. A91 Подробнее

Rakhmanova G.R., Ilin D.I., Osipov A.N., Shushakova I.V., Iorsh I.V., Ado I.A., Titov M.

Helical phase in two-dimensional magnets due to four-spin interactions//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, Vol. 2086, No. 1, pp. 012165 Подробнее

Rakhmanova G.R., Osipov A.N., Ilin D.I., Shushakova I.V., Iorsh I.V.

Erratum: Non-collinear ground state and stable bimerons from four-spin chiral interactions in D3h magnet (Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2021) 2015 (012118)//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, Vol. 2015, No. 1, pp. 012173 Подробнее

Kibis O.V., Kolodny S.A., Iorsh I.V.

Fano resonances in optical spectra of semiconductor quantum wells dressed by circularly polarized light//Optics Letters, 2021, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 50-53 Подробнее

Kravtsov V., Liubomirov A.D., Cherbunin R.V., Catanzaro A., Genco A., Gillard D., Alexeev E.M., Ivanova T.V., Khestanova E., Shelykh I.A., Tartakovskii, A., Skolnick M.S., Krizhanovskii D.N., Iorsh I.V.

Spin-valley dynamics in alloy-based transition metal dichalcogenide heterobilayers//2D Materials, 2021, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 025011 Подробнее

Kudlis A., Iorsh I., Shelykh I.A.

All-optical resonant magnetization switching in monolayers//Physical Review B, 2021, Vol. 104, No. 2, pp. L020412 Подробнее

Nigmatulin F.O., Shelykh I.A., Iorsh I.

Quantum spin compass models in two-dimensional electronic topological metasurfaces//Physical Review Research, 2021, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 043016 Подробнее

Tokatly I.V., Gulevich D.R., Iorsh I.V.

Vacuum anomalous Hall effect in gyrotropic cavity//Physical Review B, 2021, Vol. 104, No. 8, pp. L081408 Подробнее

Poshakinskiy A.V., Iorsh I., Poddubny A.N.

Localized multiphonon states in waveguide quantum optomechanics with spontaneously broken PT symmetry//Physical Review A, 2021, Vol. 104, No. 6, pp. 063719 Подробнее

Marques Y., Shelykh I.A., Iorsh I.V.

Flat-band dark polaritons in two-dimensional chiral-waveguide quantum electrodynamics//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, Vol. 2015, No. 1, pp. 012088 Подробнее

Абрамов А.Н., Iorsh I., Petrov M.I., Kravtsov V.

Nanoindentation-based approach to integration of quantum emitters in 2D materials with nanophotonic structures, 2021

Krivosenko Y., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Bosonic Hofstadter butterflies in synthetic antiferromagnetic patterns//Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2021, Vol. 33, No. 13, pp. 135802 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Kibis O.V.

Optically induced Kondo effect in semiconductor quantum wells//Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2021, Vol. 33, No. 49, pp. 495302 Подробнее

Kolodny S.A., Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V.

Enhancement of Second-harmonic Generation in a Micropillar Resonator due to the Engineered Destructive Interference//JETP Letters, 2021, Vol. 114, No. 3, pp. 124-128 Подробнее

Rakhmanova G.R., Osipov A.N., Ilin D.I., Shushakova I.V., Iorsh I.V.

Non-collinear ground state and stable bimerons from four-spin chiral interactions in D3h magnet//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, Vol. 2015, No. 1, pp. 012118 Подробнее

Абрамов А.Н., Iorsh I., Petrov M., Kravtsov V.

Nanoindentation-based approach to integration of quantum emitters in 2D materials with nanophotonic structures, 2021

Kolodny S.A., Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.

Second-harmonic generation enhancement in high-contrast micropillar AlGaAs resonator in bound states in the continuum regime//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, Vol. 2015, No. 1, pp. 012067 Подробнее

Marques Y., Shelykh I.A., Iorsh I.V.

Two-dimensional chiral-waveguide quantum electrodynamics: Long-range qubit correlations and flat-band dark polaritons//Physical Review A, 2021, Vol. 103, No. 3, pp. 033702 Подробнее

Marques Y., Shelykh I.A., Iorsh I.V.

Bound Photonic Pairs in 2D Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics//Physical Review Letters, 2021, Vol. 127, No. 27, pp. 273602 Подробнее

Whittaker C.E., Isoniemi T., Lovett S., Walker P.M., Kolodny S.A., Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V., Farrer I., Ritchie D.A., Skolnick M., Krizhanovskii D.N.

Exciton-polaritons in GaAs-based slab waveguide photonic crystals//Applied Physics Letters, 2021, Vol. 119, No. 18, pp. 181101 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Kibis O.V.

Irradiation-induced Kondo resonance in two-dimensional electron systems//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, Vol. 2015, No. 1, pp. 012056 Подробнее

Benimetskiy F., Yulin A., Kravtsov V., Mikhin A., Iorsh I., Samusev A., Krizhanovskii D.N.

Guided exciton-polaritons in a subwavelength dielectric slab integrated with a 2D semiconductor//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, Vol. 2015, No. 1, pp. 012014 Подробнее

Kolodny S.A., Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V.

Enhancement of second-harmonic generation in micropillar resonator due to the engineered destructive interference//Письма в "Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики", 2021, Vol. 113, No. 3-4(2), pp. 154-155 Подробнее

Kudlis A., Iorsh I.

Modeling excitonic Mott transitions in two-dimensional semiconductors//Physical Review B, 2021, Vol. 103, No. 11, pp. 115307 Подробнее

Sinev I., Komissarenko F., Iorsh I., Permyakov D., Samusev A., Bogdanov A.

Steering of guided light with dielectric nanoantennas//ACS Photonics, 2020, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 680-686 Подробнее

Olekhno N., Petrov M., Iorsh I., Sukhorukov A., Solntsev A.S.

Generating N00N-states of surface plasmon-polariton pairs with a nanoparticle//arXiv.org [база препринтов], 2020 Подробнее

Kibis O.V., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Floquet engineering of 2D materials//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, Vol. 1461, No. 1, pp. 012064 Подробнее

Benimetskiy F.A., Kravtsov V., Khestanova E., Mukhin I.S., Sinev I.S., Samusev A.K., Shelykh I.A., Krizhanovskii D.N., Skolnick M.S., Iorsh I.V.

Strong coupling of excitons in 2D MoSe2/hBN heterostructure with optical bound states in the continuum//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, Vol. 1461, No. 1, pp. 012012 Подробнее

Kolodny S.A., Iorsh I.V.

Q/V enhancement of Si micropillar resonator with Bragg reflectors in BIC regime//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, Vol. 1461, No. 1, pp. 012067 Подробнее

Yermakov O., Hurshkainen A.A., Dobrykh D.A., Kapitanova P.V., Iorsh I.V., Glybovski S.B., Bogdanov A.A.

Polarization hybridization of surface waves on anisotropic metasurface//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, Vol. 1461, No. 1, pp. 012196 Подробнее

Kolodny S.A., Iorsh I.

Q/V enhancement of micropillar resonator in bound states in the continuum regime//Optics Letters, 2020, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 181-183 Подробнее

Benimetskiy F.A., Kravtsov V., Khestanova E., Sinev I.S., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V.

Propagation of exciton-polaritons in monolayer semiconductor coupled to at-Gamma bound state in the continuum//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, Vol. 2300, pp. 020009 Подробнее

Rakhmanova G., Iorsh I.

Topological plasmon polariton on a Dirac magnet helical state: The second harmonic generation enhancement//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, Vol. 2300, pp. 020101 Подробнее

Rakhmanova G.R., Iorsh I.V.

Broadband enhancement of second-harmonic generation at the domain walls of magnetic topological insulators//Nanophotonics, 2020, Vol. 9, No. 15, pp. 4489–4495 Подробнее

Sedov D.D., Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V.

Chiral Waveguide Optomechanics: First Order Quantum Phase Transitions with Z(3) Symmetry Breaking//Physical Review Letters, 2020, Vol. 125, No. 26, pp. 263606 Подробнее

Shubnic A.A., Polozkov R.G., Shelykh I.A., Iorsh I.V.

High refractive index and extreme biaxial optical anisotropy of rhenium diselenide for applications in all-dielectric nanophotonics//Nanophotonics, 2020, Vol. 9, No. 16, pp. 4737-4742 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Poshakinskiy A.V., Poddubny A.N.

Waveguide Quantum Optomechanics: Parity-Time Phase Transitions in Ultrastrong Coupling Regime//Physical Review Letters, 2020, Vol. 125, No. 18, pp. 183601 Подробнее

Shahnazaryan V., Kozin V.K., Shelykh I.A., Iorsh I.V., Kyriienko O.

Tunable optical nonlinearity for transition metal dichalcogenide polaritons dressed by a Fermi sea//Physical Review B, 2020, Vol. 102, No. 11, pp. 115310 Подробнее

Kornovan D.F., Petrov M., Iorsh I.V.

Chiral coupling of dipole transitions in a V-type atom using a plasmonic dimer//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, Vol. 2300, pp. 020064 Подробнее

Benimetskiy F.A., Sharov V., Alekseev P., Kravtsov V., Park K., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V.

Measurement of local optomechanical properties of MoSe2monolayers//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, Vol. 2300, pp. 020008 Подробнее

Kondratyev V., Benimetckiy F.A., Ivanova T.V., Samusev A.K., Park K., Krizhanovskii D.N., Skolnick M.S., Khestanova E., Kravtsov V., Iorsh I.V.

Electrically tunable trion-polaritons in MoSe2/hBN heterostructure integrated with a photonic crystal slab//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, Vol. 2300, pp. 020062 Подробнее

Kibis O.V., Kolodny S.A., Iorsh I.V.

Fano resonances in quantum well absorption induced by electromagnetic dressing//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, Vol. 2300, pp. 020052 Подробнее

Krivosenko Y.S., Iorsh I., Shelykh I.A.

Midgap edge states in polaritonic graphene with zero average mangetic field//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, Vol. 2241, pp. 020025 Подробнее

Kudlis A., Rakhmanova G., Iorsh I.

Many-body phenomena in semiconductors and cluster expansion approach//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, Vol. 2300, pp. 020072 Подробнее

Kravtsov V., Khestanova E., Benimetskiy F.A., Ivanova T.V., Samusev A.K., Sinev I.S., Pidgayko D., Mozharov A.M., Mukhin I.S., Lozhkin M.S., Kapitonov Y.V., Brichkin A.S., Kulakovskii V.D., Shelykh I.A., Tartakovskii A.I., Walker P.M., Skolnick M.S., Krizhanovskii D.N., Iorsh I.V.

Nonlinear polaritons in a monolayer semiconductor coupled to optical bound states in the continuum//Light: Science and Applications, 2020, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 56 Подробнее

Кибис О.В., Дини К., Иорш И.В., Драгунов В.П., Шелых И.А.

Электромагнитный дрессинг графена // Журнал структурной химии -2019. - Т. 59. - № 4. - С. 903-906 Подробнее

Buslaev P., Iorsh I.V., Shadrivov I.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Reply to Comment on “Plasmons in Waveguide Structures Formed by Two Graphene Layers”(JETP Letters 97, 535 (2013))//JETP Letters, 2019, Vol. 109, No. 11, pp. 770 Подробнее

Kornovan D.F., Petrov M.I., Iorsh I.V.

Noninverse dynamics of a quantum emitter coupled to a fully anisotropic environment//Physical Review A, 2019, Vol. 100, No. 3, pp. 033840 Подробнее

Rakhmanova G.R., Iorsh I.V.

Plasmon-polariton from a helical state in Dirac magnet//Conference Book of Abstracts 6th International School and Conference Saint-Petersburg OPEN 2019, 2019, pp. 419-420

Olekhno N.A., Petrov M.I., Iorsh I.V., Sukhorukov A.A., Solntsev A.

Generating Quantum States of Surface Plasmon-Polariton Pairs with a Nonlinear Nanoparticle//Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019, 2019, pp. 8872429 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Rahmanova G., Titov M.

Plasmon-polariton from a helical state in a Dirac magnet//ACS Photonics, 2019, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 2450-2454 Подробнее

Benimetckiy F.A., Sharov V.A., Alekseev P.A., Kravtsov V., Agapev K.B., Sinev I.S., Mukhin I.S., Catanzaro A., Polozkov R.G., Alexeev E.M., Tartakovskii A.I., Samusev A.K., Skolnick M.S., Krizhanovskii D.N., Shelykh I.A., Iorsh I.V.

Measurement of local optomechanical properties of a direct bandgap 2D semiconductor//APL Materials, 2019, Vol. 7, No. 10, pp. 101126 Подробнее

Christmann G., Trifonov A.V., Tzimis A., Hatzopoulos Z., Iorsh I.V., Baumberg J.J., Savvidis P.G.

High-angle optically accessible Brewster cavity exciton-polaritons//Physical Review B, 2019, Vol. 99, No. 24, pp. 241402 Подробнее

Nalitov A.V., Sigurdsson H., Morina S., Krivosenko Y.S., Iorsh I.V., Rubo Y., Kavokin A.V., Shelykh I.A.

Optically trapped polariton condensates as semiclassical time crystals//Physical Review A, 2019, Vol. 99, No. 5, pp. 033830 Подробнее

Berestennikov A.S., Li Y., Iorsh I.V., Zakhidov A.A., Rogach A., Makarov S.V.

Beyond Quantum Confinement: Excitonic Nonlocality in Halide Perovskite Nanoparticles with Mie Resonances//Nanoscale, 2019, Vol. 11, No. 14, pp. 6747-6754 Подробнее

Foster A., Hallett D., Iorsh I.V., Sheldon S.,  Godsland M., Royall B., Clarke E., Shelykh I.A., Fox A., Skolnick M.S., Itskevich I., Wilson L.

Tunable Photon Statistics Exploiting the Fano Effect in a Waveguide//Physical Review Letters, 2019, Vol. 122, No. 17, pp. 173603 Подробнее

Kolodny S.A., Yudin D.I., Iorsh I.V.

Resonant spin wave excitation in magnetoplasmonic bilayers using short laser pulses//Nanoscale, 2019, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 2003-2007 Подробнее

Kozin V.K., Yulin A.V., Nalitov A.V., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Acoustic waves in polariton wires//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, Vol. 1331, No. 1, pp. 012023 Подробнее

Sigurdsson H., Krivosenko Y.S., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A., Nalitov A.V.

Spontaneous topological transitions in a honeycomb lattice of exciton-polariton condensates due to spin bifurcations//Physical Review B, 2019, Vol. 100, No. 23, pp. 235444 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Rakhmanova G.R., Titov M.

Topological plasmon-polariton on a Dirac magnet helical state//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, Vol. 1410, No. 1, pp. 012158 Подробнее

Olekhno N.A., Petrov M.I., Iorsh I.V.

Generation of surface plasmon-polariton pairs by a nonlinear nanoparticle//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, Vol. 1092, No. 1, pp. 012105 Подробнее

Yermakov O.Y., Permyakov D.V., Dmitriev P.A., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V., Lavrinenko A.V., Bogdanov A.A.

Plasmonic anisotropic metasurfaces: from far-field measurements to near-field properties//Proceedings of SPIE, 2018, Vol. 10671, pp. 1067118 Подробнее

Yulin A.V., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Resonant interaction of slow light solitons and dispersive waves in nonlinear chiral photonic waveguide//New Journal of Physics, 2018, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 053065 Подробнее

Benimetskiy F.A., Sinev I.S., Алексеев П.А., Mukhin I.S., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V.

The 13th International Symposium on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials//Abstracts of Symposium, 2018

Benimetskiy F.A., Samusev A.K., Mukhin I.S., Iorsh I.V., Sinev I.S.

d, 2018

Kornovan D.F., Petrov M.I., Iorsh I.V.

Strong coupling and non-reciprocity in the dynamics of a V-atom placed near an anisotropic metasurface//12th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, METAMATERIALS 2018, 2018, pp. 228-230 Подробнее

Sinev I.S., Komissarenko F.E., Mukhin I.S., Petrov M.I., Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A., Samusev A.K.

Near-field optical microscopy of surface plasmon polaritons excited by silicon nanoantenna//Наносистемы: Физика, химия, математика = Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 2018, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 609-613 Подробнее

Olekhno N.A., Petrov M.I., Iorsh I.V.

Generation of photon and plasmon pairs by a nonlinear semiconductor nanoparticle//Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2018, Vol. Part F108-NP, pp. NpM2I.5 Подробнее

Kibis O.V., Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Quantum Rings Dressed by a High-Frequency Electromagnetic Field//Semiconductors, 2018, Vol. 52, No. 14, pp. 1806–1808 Подробнее

Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V., Kibis O.V., Shelykh I.A.

Periodic array of quantum rings strongly coupled to circularly polarized light as a topological insulator//Physical Review B, 2018, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp. 035416 Подробнее

Makarov S.V., Sinev I.S., Milichko V.A., Komissarenko F.E., Zuev D.A., Ushakova E., Mukhin I.S., Yu Y.F., Kuznetsov A.I., Belov P.A., Iorsh I.V., Poddubny A.N., Samusev A.K., Kivshar Y.S.

Nanoscale Generation of White Light for Ultrabroadband Nanospectroscopy//Nano Letters, 2018, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 535-539 Подробнее

Krasikov S.D., Bogdanov A.A., Iorsh I.V.

Nonlinear bound states in the continuum of a one-dimensional photonic crystal slab//Physical Review B, 2018, Vol. 97, No. 22, pp. 224309 Подробнее

Sychev S.K., Koshelev K.L., Sadrieva Z.F., Bogdanov A.A., Iorsh I.V.

Strong coupling between excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides and optical bound states in the continuum//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, Vol. 1124, No. 5, pp. 051056 Подробнее

Красиков С.Д., Богданов А.А., Иорш И.В.


Krivosenko Y.S., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Resonant edge-site pumping of polaritonic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger lattices//Physical Review A, 2018, Vol. 98, No. 2, pp. 023801 Подробнее

Whittaker C.E., Cancellieri E., Walker P.M., Gulevich D.R., Schomerus H., Vaitiekus D., Royall B., Whittaker D.M., Clarke E., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A., Skolnik M., Krizhanovskii D.N.

Exciton Polaritons in a Two-Dimensional Lieb Lattice with Spin-Orbit Coupling//Physical Review Letters, 2018, Vol. 120, No. 3, pp. 097401 Подробнее

Koshelev K.L., Sychev S.K., Sadrieva Z.F., Bogdanov A.A., Iorsh I.V.

Light-matter interaction between photonic bound states in the continuum and bright excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, Vol. 1092, No. 1, pp. 012064 Подробнее

Kibis O.V., Dini K., Iorsh I.V., Dragunov V.P., Shelykh I.A.

Electromagnetic Dressing of Graphene//Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 59, No. 4, pp. 867-869 Подробнее

Krasikov S.D., Bogdanov A.A., Iorsh I.V.

Nonlinear Bound States in the Continuum in One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Slab//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, Vol. 1092, No. 1, pp. 012068 Подробнее

Shelykh I.A., Nalitov A.V., Iorsh I.V.

Optical analog of Rashba spin-orbit interaction in asymmetric polariton waveguides//Physical Review B, 2018, Vol. 98, No. 15, pp. 155428 Подробнее

Koshelev K.L., Sychev S.K., Sadrieva Z.F., Bogdanov A.A., Iorsh I.V.

Strong coupling between excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides and optical bound states in the continuum//Physical Review B, 2018, Vol. 98, No. 16, pp. 161113 Подробнее

Kozin V.K., Shelykh I.A., Nalitov A.V., Iorsh I.V.

Topological metamaterials based on polariton rings//Physical Review B, 2018, Vol. 98, No. 12, pp. 125115 Подробнее

Yermakov O.Y., Permyakov D.V., Porubaev F., Dmitriev P.A., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V., Malureanu R., Lavrinenko A.V., Bogdanov A.A.

Effective surface conductivity of optical hyperbolic metasurfaces: from far-field characterization to surface wave analysis//Scientific Reports, 2018, Vol. 8, pp. 14135 Подробнее

Гулевич Д.Р., Юдин Д.И., Скрябин Д.В., Иорш И.В., Шелых И.А.

Topological Edge Solitons in Polaritonic Lattice//Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium – Spring (PIERS) - 2018. - С. 118-121

Morina S., Dini K., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Optical Trapping of Electrons in Graphene//ACS Photonics, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1171-1175 Подробнее

Kibis O.V., Dini K., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Floquet Engineering of Gapped 2D Materials//Semiconductors, 2018, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 523-525 Подробнее

Olekhno N.A., Petrov M.I., Iorsh I.V.

Spontaneous parametric downconversion of light by a dielectric nanoparticle//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, Vol. 993, No. 1, pp. 012022 Подробнее

Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V., Kibis O.V., Shelykh I.A.

Quantum ring with the Rashba spin-orbit interaction in the regime of strong light-matter coupling//Physical Review B, 2018, Vol. 97, No. 15, pp. 155434 Подробнее

Yermakov O.Y., Hurshkainen A.A., Dobrykh D.A., Kapitanova P.V., Iorsh I.V., Glybovski S.B., Bogdanov A.А.

Experimental observation of hybrid TE-TM polarized surface waves supported by a hyperbolic metasurface//Physical Review B, 2018, Vol. 98, No. 19, pp. 195404 Подробнее

Sinev I.S., Bogdanov A.A., Komissarenko F.E., Mukhin I.S., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V., Lavrinenko A.V.

2 pi steering of surface plasmon polaritons with silicon nanoantennas//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, Vol. 1092, No. 1, pp. 012140 Подробнее

Kolodny S.A., Yudin D.I., Iorsh I.V.

Resonant excitation of spin waves in hybrid nanostructures via frequency combs//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, Vol. 1092, No. 1, pp. 012060 Подробнее

Krivosenko Y.S., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Resonant pumping of polaritonic SSH chains//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, Vol. 1092, No. 1, pp. 012070 Подробнее

Kibis O.V., Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Electronic properties of quantum rings dressed by a high-frequency electromagnetic field//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, Vol. 1092, No. 1, pp. 012055 Подробнее

Kornovan D.F., Toftul I.D., Chebykin A.V., Petrov M.I., Iorsh I.V.

Temporal dynamics of a quantum emitter with multiple excited states in the vicinity of an anisotropic metasurface//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, Vol. 1092, No. 1, pp. 012063 Подробнее

Berestennikov A.S., Iorsh I.V., Makarov S.V.

Optical properties of spatially dispersive Mie-resonant halide perovskite nanoparticles//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, Vol. 1092, No. 1, pp. 012009 Подробнее

Иорш И.В.

Учебное пособие по курсу "специальные разделы квантовой механики" - 2017

Hasan M., Yudin D., Iorsh I., Eriksson O., Shelykh I.A.

Topological edge-state engineering with high-frequency electromagnetic radiation//Physical Review B, 2017, Vol. 96, No. 20, pp. 205127 Подробнее

Arnardottir K., Iorsh I.V., Liew T., Shelykh I.A.

Hyperbolic Region in an Array of Quantum Wires in a Planar Cavity//ACS Photonics, 2017, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 1165–1171 Подробнее

Yermakov O.Y., Bogdanov A.A., Iorsh I.V., Bliokh K.Y., Kivshar Y.S.

Tunable spin-directional coupling for surface localized waves with anisotropic metasurface//Proceedings of SPIE, 2017, Vol. 10227, pp. 1022703 Подробнее

Gulevich D.R., Yudin D., Skryabin D.V., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Exploring nonlinear topological states of matter with exciton-polaritons: Edge solitons in kagome lattice//Scientific Reports, 2017, Vol. 7, pp. 1780 Подробнее

Sadrieva Z.F., Sinev I.S., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V., Bogdanov A.А., Koshelev K.L., Takayama O., Malureanu R., Lavrinenko A.V.

Optical Bound State in the Continuum in the One-dimensional Photonic Structures: Transition into a Resonant State//2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS), 2017, pp. 2817-2824 Подробнее

Yermakov O.Y., Mukhin I.S., Samusev A.K., Bogdanov A.A., Iorsh I.V.

Effective Conductivity Tensor of Plasmonic Anisotropic Metasurface: Theory and Experiment//2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS), 2017, pp. 1524-1528 Подробнее

Shahnazaryan V., Iorsh I., Shelykh I.A., Kyriienko O.

Exciton-exciton interaction in transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers//Physical Review B, 2017, Vol. 96, No. 11, pp. 115409 Подробнее

Sadrieva Z.F., Sinev I.S., Koshelev K.L., Samusev A., Iorsh I.V., Takayama O., Malureanu R., Bogdanov A.A., Lavrinenko A.V.

Transition from Optical Bound States in the Continuum to Leaky Resonances: Role of Substrate and Roughness//ACS Photonics, 2017, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 723-727 Подробнее

Samusev A.K., Mukhin I.S., Malureanu R., Takayama O., Permyakov D.V., Sinev I.S., Baranov D., Yermakov O., Iorsh I.V., Bogdanov A.A., Lavrinenko A.V.

Polarization-resolved characterization of plasmon waves supported by an anisotropic metasurface//Optics express, 2017, Vol. 25, No. 26, pp. 32631-32639 Подробнее

Kornovan D.F., Sheremet A.S., Iorsh I.V., Petrov M.I.

Light interaction and quantum transport in atomic chain chirally coupled to a waveguide//11th International Congress on Engineered Material Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena, METAMATERIALS 2017, 2017, pp. 262-264 Подробнее

Bogdanov A.A., Sadrieva Z.F., Sinev I.S., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V., Koshelev K.L., Takayama O., Malureanu R., Lavrinenko A.V.

Destruction of symmetry protected optical bound state in the continuum by high-index substrate and roughnesses//11th International Congress on Engineered Material Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena, METAMATERIALS 2017, 2017, pp. 34-36 Подробнее

Bhattacharya A., Baten M.Z., Iorsh I., Frost T., Kavokin A., Bhattacharya P.

Room-Temperature Spin Polariton Diode Laser//Physical Review Letters, 2017, Vol. 119, No. 6, pp. 067701 Подробнее

Sinev I.S., Bogdanov A.А., Komissarenko F.E., Frizyuk K.S., Petrov M.I., Mukhin I.S., Makarov S.V., Samusev A.K., Lavrinenko A.V., Iorsh I.V.

Chirality Driven by Magnetic Dipole Response for Demultiplexing of Surface Waves//Laser and Photonics Reviews, 2017, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 1700168 Подробнее

Олехно Н.А., Петров М.И., Иорш И.В.

Спонтанное параметрическое рассеяние света диэлектрической наночастицей в длинноволновом приближении//Физика полупроводников и наноструктур, полупроводниковая опто- и наноэлектроника: тезисы докладов 19-й Всерос. молод. конф. 27 ноября - 1 декабря 2017 года - 2017. - С. 58

Yermakov O.Y., Porubaev F., Bogdanov A.А., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V.

Retrieval procedure of effective conductivity for plasmonic resonant anisotropic metasurface//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017

Krivosenko I.S., Iorsh I.V.

Rydberg exciton–exciton interaction in real space//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017, pp. 040022

Sadrieva Z.F., Sinev I.S., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V., Koshelev K.L., Takayama O., Malureanu R., Lavrinenko A.V., Bogdanov A.A.

Effect of substrate on optical bound states in the continuum in 1D photonic structures//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 1874, pp. 030005 Подробнее

Sinev I.S., Bogdanov A.A., Komissarenko F.E., Petrov M.I., Frizyuk K.S., Makarov S.V., Mukhin I.S., Samusev A.K., Lavrinenko A.V., Iorsh I.V.

Demultiplexing surface waves with silicon nanoantennas//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 1874, pp. 030035 Подробнее

Kornovan D.F., Petrov M.I., Iorsh I.V.

Transport and collective radiance in a basic quantum chiral optical model//Physical Review B, 2017, Vol. 96, No. 11, pp. 115162 Подробнее

Yermakov O.Y., Porubaev F., Bogdanov A.A., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V.

Retrieval procedure of effective conductivity for plasmonic resonant anisotropic metasurface//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 1874, pp. 030040 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Dini K., Kibis O.V., Shelykh I.A.

Optically induced Lifshitz transition in bilayer graphene//Physical Review B, 2017, Vol. 96, No. 15, pp. 155432 Подробнее

Sinev I.S., Bogdanov A.А., Komissarenko F.E., Петров М.И., Friziuk K.S., Makarov S.V., Mukhin I.S., Samusev A.K., Lavrinenko A.V., Iorsh I.V.

Demultiplexing surface waves with silicon nanoantennas//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017

Krivosenko Y.S., Iorsh I.V.

Rydberg exciton-exciton interaction in real space//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 1874, pp. 040022 Подробнее

Sadrieva Z.F., Sinev I.S., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V., Koshelev K.L., Takayama O., Malureanu R., Lavrinenko A.V., Bogdanov A.А.

Effect of substrate on optical bound states in the continuum in 1D photonic structures//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017

Kibis O.V., Dini K., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

All-optical band engineering of gapped Dirac materials//Physical Review B, 2017, Vol. 95, No. 12, pp. 125401 Подробнее

Gulevich D.R., Yudin D., Skryabin D.V., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Topological edge solitons in polaritonic lattice//2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS), 2017, pp. 118-121 Подробнее

Song M., Iorsh I.V., Kapitanova P.V., Nenasheva E.A., Belov P.A.

Wireless power transfer based on magnetic quadrupole coupling in dielectric resonators//Applied Physics Letters, 2016, Vol. 108, No. 2, pp. 023902 Подробнее

Sadrieva Z.F., Sinev I.S., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I.V., Bogdanov A.A., Malureanu A., Lavrinenko A.V.

Optical bound state in the continuum in the one-dimensional photonic crystal slab: theory and experiment//Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction 2016, DD 2016, 2016, pp. 356-360 Подробнее

Song H., Zhang J., Fei G., Wang J., Jiang K., Wang P., Lu Y., Iorsh I., Xu W., Jia J., Zhang L., Kivshar Y.S., Zhang L.

Near-field coupling and resonant cavity modes in plasmonic nanorod metamaterials//Nanotechnology, 2016, Vol. 27, No. 41, pp. 415708 Подробнее

Gulevich D.R., Yudin D., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Kagome lattice from an exciton-polariton perspective//Physical Review B, 2016, Vol. 94, No. 11, pp. 115437 Подробнее

Filonov D.S., Shalin A.S., Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A., Ginzburg P.

Controlling electromagnetic scattering with wire metamaterial resonators//Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 2016, Vol. 33, No. 10, pp. 1910-1916 Подробнее

Poddubny A.N., Iorsh I.V., Sukhorukov A.A.

Generation of Photon-Plasmon Quantum States in Nonlinear Hyperbolic Metamaterials//Physical Review Letters, 2016, Vol. 117, No. 12, pp. 123901 Подробнее

Yermakov O.Y., Ovcharenko A.I., Bogdanov A.A., Iorsh I.V., Lavrinenko A.V., Babaieva A.H.

New degrees of freedom of spin-optronics implemented by using hybrid surface waves localized at hyperbolic metasurface//Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction 2016, DD 2016, 2016, pp. 449-454 Подробнее

Sinev I.S., Iorsh I.V., Bogdanov A.A., Permyakov D.V., Komissarenko F.E., Mukhin I.S., Samusev A.K., Valuckas V., Kuznetsov A.I., Luk'Yanchuk B.S., Miroshnichenko A.E., Kivshar Y.

Polarization control over electric and magnetic dipole resonances of dielectric nanoparticles on metallic films//Laser and Photonics Reviews, 2016, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 799–806 Подробнее

Bogdanov A.A., Sinev I.S., Iorsh I.V., Permyakov D.V., Komissarenko F.E., Mukhin I.S., Samusev A.K., Miroshnichenko A.E., Kivshar Y.S.

From high-Q magnetic dipole scattering to broadband electric field localization by silicon nanoparticle on metal//Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016, 2016, pp. 7787646 Подробнее

Кондратенко З.Ф., Bogdanov A.A., Sinev I.S., Samusev A.K., Lavrinenko A.V., Iorsh I.V., Koshelev K.L.

Bound state in the continuum in the one-dimensional photonic structures, 2016

Kapitanova P.V., Song M., Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A.

Wireless power transfer system based on ceramic resonators//10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, METAMATERIALS 2016, 2016, pp. 151-153 Подробнее

Krasikov S., Iorsh I.V.

Self-consistent Purcell factor and spontaneous topological transition in hyperbolic metamaterials//Physica Status Solidi (RRL)- Rapid Research Letters, 2016, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 769-773 Подробнее

Bogdanov A.А., Yermakov O.Y., Ovcharenko A.I., Song M., Baranov D.A., Sinev I.S., Mukhin I.S., Samusev A.K., Iorsh I., Lavrinenko A.V., Kivshar Y.S.

Hybrid localized waves supported by resonant anisotropic metasurfaces//Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016, 2016, pp. 7787624 Подробнее

Bhattacharya A., Baten M.Z., Iorsh I., Frost T., Kavokin A.V., Bhattacharya P.

Linearly and circularly polarized ultraviolet GaN microcavity polariton lasers//29th IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2016, 2016, pp. 315-316 Подробнее

Poddubny A.N., Iorsh I.V., Sukhorukov A.A.

Generation of photon-plasmon quantum entanglement in nonlinear metamaterials//Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2016, Vol. F12-NP, pp. NM4A.4 Подробнее

Yermakov O.Y., Ovcharenko A.I., Bogdanov A.A., Iorsh I.V., Babaieva A.H.

Hybrid surface plasmon polaritons localized at anisotropic metasurface//2nd International Young Scientists Forum on Applied Physics and Engineering (YSF), 2016, pp. 73-76 Подробнее

Hasan M., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.

Topological properties of the illuminated arrays of mesoscopic rings//Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction 2016, DD 2016, 2016, pp. 188-192 Подробнее

Yermakov O.Y., Ovcharenko A.I., Bogdanov A.A., Iorsh I.V., Bliokh K.Y., Kivshar Y.S.

Spin control of light with hyperbolic metasurfaces//Physical Review B, 2016, Vol. 94, No. 7, pp. 075446 Подробнее

Красиков С.Д., Иорш И.В.

Метод расчета фактора Парселла и Лэмбовского сдвига источников конечных размеров в гиперболическом метаматериале, учитывающий сильную частотную дисперсию эффективных параметров метаматериала//Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых - 2016

Bhattacharya A., Baten M.Z., Iorsh I., Frost T., Kavokin A., Bhattacharya P.

Output polarization characteristics of a GaN microcavity diode polariton laser//Physical Review B, 2016, Vol. 94, No. 3, pp. 035203 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Alodjants A.P., Shelykh I.A.

Microcavity with saturable nonlinearity under simultaneous resonant and nonresonant pumping: Multistability, Hopf bifurcations and chaotic behaviour//Optics express, 2016, Vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 11505-11514 Подробнее

Baten M.Z., Bhattacharya A., Frost T., Iorsh I.V., Kavokin A.V., Bhattacharya P.

The role of defects in lowering the effective polariton temperature in electric and optically pumped polariton lasers//Applied Physics Letters, 2016, Vol. 108, No. 4, pp. 041102 Подробнее

Kovalev V.M., Savenko I.G., Iorsh I.V.

Ultrafast exciton-polariton scattering towards the Dirac points//Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2016, Vol. 28, No. 10, pp. 105301 Подробнее

Chebykin A.V., Babicheva V.E., Iorsh I.V., Orlov A.A., Belov P.A., Zhukovsky S.V.

Enhancement of the Purcell factor in multiperiodic hyperboliclike metamaterials//Physical Review A, 2016, Vol. 93, No. 3, pp. 033855 Подробнее

Hasan M., Iorsh I.V., Kibis O.V., Shelykh I.A.

Optically controlled periodical chain of quantum rings//Physical Review B, 2016, Vol. 93, No. 12, pp. 125401 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Poddubny A.N., Ginzburg P., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Compton-Like Polariton Scattering in Hyperbolic Metamaterials//Physical Review Letters, 2015, Vol. 114, No. 8, pp. 185501 Подробнее

Alodjants A.P., Sedov E.S., Charukhchyan M.V., Iorsh I.V., Kavokin A.V.

Bose-Einstein condensates as quantum nonlinear hyperbolic "metamaterials"//9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, METAMATERIALS 2015, 2015, pp. 10-12 Подробнее

Shalin A.S., Ginzburg P.B., Orlov A.A., Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S., Zayats A.V.

Optical cloaking with ENZ-metamaterials//9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, METAMATERIALS 2015, 2015, pp. 487-489 Подробнее

Yermakov O.Y., Ovcharenko A.I., Iorsh I.V., Bogdanov A.A., Kivshar Y.S.

New types of surface waves on hyperbolic metasurface//Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction 2015, DD 2015, 2015, pp. 371-375 Подробнее

Hasan M., Iorsh I.V.

Interaction of light with a hyperbolic cavity in the strong-coupling regime with Fano resonance//Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction 2015, DD 2015, 2015, pp. 140-145 Подробнее

Sedov E.S., Alodjants A.P., Iorsh I.V., Kavokin A.V.

Quantum hyperbolic metamaterials with exciton-polaritons in semiconductor Bragg mirrors//Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction 2015, DD 2015, 2015, pp. 285-288 Подробнее

Trushkov Y., Iorsh I.V.

Graphene based anisotropic metasurface//Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction 2015, DD 2015, 2015, pp. 347-353 Подробнее

Song M., Kapitanova P.V., Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A.

Metamaterials for wireless power transfer//Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction 2015, DD 2015, 2015, pp. 323-326 Подробнее

Belov P.A., Song M., Iorsh I.V., Kapitanova P.V.

Application of High-Q dielectric resonators for wireless power transfer system//SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference Proceedings (IMOC 2015), 2015, pp. 1-5 Подробнее

Kapitanova P.V., Song M., Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A.

Metamaterials and resonators for wireless power transfer//Proceedings of the IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean, RADIO 2015, 2015, pp. 7323392 Подробнее

Овчаренко А.И., Ермаков О., Сун М., Богданов А.А., Иорш И.В., Кившар Ю.

Двумерные дьяконовские волны на гиперболической метаповерхности с анизотропной эффективной поверхностной проводимостью // Электроника и микроэлектроника СВЧ -2015. - Т. 1. - № 1. - С. 54-57

Yermakov O., Ovcharenko A.I., Song M., Bogdanov A., Iorsh I., Kivshar Y.S.

Hybrid waves localized at hyperbolic metasurfaces//Physical Review B, 2015, Vol. 91, No. 23, pp. 235423 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Trushkov I.M., Ermakov O., Ovcharenko A.I., Bogdanov A.A., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Dyakonov-like plasmonic localized waves on graphene metasurfaces//Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2015, pp. 2347-2351

Slobozhanyuk A., Ginzburg P., Powell D., Iorsh I., Shalin A., Segovia P., Krasavin A., Wurtz G.A., Podolskiy V.A., Belov P.A., Zayats A.V.

Purcell effect in hyperbolic metamaterial resonators//Physical Review B, 2015, Vol. 92, No. 19, pp. 195127 Подробнее

Богданов А.А., Ермаков О., Иорш И.В., Кившар Ю., Овчаренко А.И.

XV Всероссийская школа-семинар «Физика и применение микроволн» имени А.П. Сухорукова («Волны-2015»)//Труды школы-семинара «Волны-2015». Метаматериалы и фотонные кристаллы. - 2015. - С. 15-19

Trushkov I.M., Iorsh I.V.

Two-dimensional hyperbolic medium for electrons and photons based on the array of tunnel-coupled graphene nanoribbons//Physical Review B, 2015, Vol. 92, No. 4, pp. 045305 Подробнее

Ovcharenko A.I., Yermakov O., Богданов А.А., Иорш И.В.

PIERS-2015 (Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium)//PIERS 2015 Prague Proceedings, 2015, pp. 2347 - 2351

Bogdanov A., Iorsh I., Ovcharenko A.I., Yermakov O.

Surface Waves on Hyperbolic Metasurface//Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, 2015, pp. 27

Yagupov I.V., Filonov D.S., Ageyskiy A.E., Kosulnikov S.Y., Hasan M., Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A.

Diamagnetism in wire medium metamaterials: Theory and experiment//Physical Review B, 2015, Vol. 92, No. 4, pp. 041304 Подробнее

Zunaid B., Frost T., Iorsh I.V., Deshpande S., Kavokin A.V., Bhattacharya P.

Small-signal modulation characteristics of a polariton laser//Scientific Reports, 2015, Vol. 5, pp. 11915 Подробнее

Sedov E.S., Iorsh I.V., Arakelian S.M., Alodjants A.P., Kavokin A.

Hyperbolic Metamaterials with Bragg Polaritons//Physical Review Letters, 2015, Vol. 114, No. 23, pp. 237402 Подробнее

Bogdanov A.A., Iorsh I.V., Ovcharenko A.I., Yermakov O.

Annual International Conference "Days on Diffraction"//INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE DAYS ON DIFFRACTION 2015. ABSTRACTS, 2015, pp. 192-193

Shalin A.S., Ginzburg P.B., Orlov A.A., Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S., Zayats A.

Scattering suppression from arbitrary objects in spatially dispersive layered metamaterials//Physical Review B, 2015, Vol. 91, No. 12, pp. 125426 Подробнее

Smirnova D.A., Iorsh I.V., Shadrivov I.V., Kivshar Y.S.

Multilayer graphene waveguides//JETP Letters, 2014, Vol. 99, No. 8, pp. 527-531 Подробнее

Babicheva V.E., Iorsh I.V., Orlov A.A., Belov P.A., Lavrinenko A.V., Andryieuski A.V., Zhukovsky S.V.

Multi-periodic photonic hyper-crystals: Volume plasmon polaritons and the purcell effect//Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) - Laser Science to Photonic Applications, 2014, Vol. 2014, pp. 6988757

Smirnova D.A., Buslaev P., Iorsh I., Shadrivov I., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Deeply subwavelength electromagnetic Tamm states in graphene metamaterials//Physical Review B, 2014, Vol. 89, No. 24, pp. 245414 Подробнее

Krasikov S., Iorsh I.V., Shalin A., Belov P.A.

Levitation of finite-size electric dipole over epsilon-near-zero metamaterial//Physica Status Solidi (RRL)- Rapid Research Letters, 2014, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 1015-1018 Подробнее

Tyshetskiy Y., Агейский А.Э., Дубровка Р., Иорш И.В., Орлов А.А., Ягупов И.В.

Study of guided modes of the wire medium slab - 2014

Ageyskiy A., Tyshetskiy Y., Iorsh I., Orlov A., Dubrovka R., Vladimirov S.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Theoretical and experimental study of guided modes of the wire medium slab//8th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, METAMATERIALS 2014, 2014, pp. 52-54 Подробнее

Tyshetskiy Y., Vladimirov S.V., Ageyskiy A., Iorsh I.V., Orlov A., Belov P.A.

Guided modes in a spatially dispersive wire medium slab//Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 2014, Vol. 31, No. 8, pp. 1753-1760 Подробнее

Babicheva V.E., Iorsh I.V., Orlov A.A., Belov P.A., Lavrinenko A.V., Andryieuski A.V., Zhukovsky S.V.

Multi-periodic photonic hyper-crystals: Volume plasmon polaritons and the purcell effect//Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2014, Vol. CLEO_QELS, pp. FTu2C.3 Подробнее

Orlov A.A., Yankovskaya E.А., Zhukovsky S.V., Babicheva V.E., Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A.

Retrieval of Effective Parameters of Subwavelength Periodic Photonic Structures //Crystals, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 417-426 Подробнее

Ageyskiy A., Iorsh I.V., Orlov A.A., Tyshetskiy Y., Yagupov I.V., Дубровка Р.

Ежегодная международная конференция «Дни Дифракции-2014» (Days of Diffraction-2014), 2014, pp. 96 - 97

Orlov A.A., Zhukovsky S.V., Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A.

Controlling light with plasmonic multilayers//Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2014, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 213-230 Подробнее

Iorsh I.

Photonic Crystal and Microcavity Based Nanostructures: Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties, 2013

Buslaev P.I., Iorsh I.V., Shadrivov I.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Plasmons in waveguide structures formed by two graphene layers//JETP Letters, 2013, Vol. 97, No. 9, pp. 535-539 Подробнее

Ginzburg P., Rodriguez-Fortuno F.J., Wurtz G.A., Dickson W., Murphy A.P., Morgan F., Pollard R.J., Iorsh I.V., Atrashchenko A.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S., Nevet A., Ankonina G., Orenstein M., Zayats A.V.

Manipulating polarization of light with ultrathin epsilon-near-zero metamaterials//Optics express, 2013, Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 14907-14917 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Kovalev V.M., Kaliteevski M.A., Savenko I.G.

Rashba plasmon polaritons in semiconductor heterostructures//Applied Physics Letters, 2013, Vol. 102, No. 10, pp. 101105 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Shadrivov I.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Cavity-enhanced absorption and Fano resonances in graphene nanoribbons//Physical Review B, 2013, Vol. 88, No. 19, pp. 195422 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Mukhin I.S., Shadrivov I.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Hyperbolic metamaterials based on multilayer graphene structures//Physical Review B, 2013, Vol. 87, No. 7, pp. 075416(1-6) Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Mukhin I.S., Shadrivov I.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Publisher’s Note: Hyperbolic metamaterials based on multilayer graphene structures//Physical Review B, 2013, Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 039904 Подробнее

Smirnova D.A., Gorbach A.V., Iorsh I.V., Shadrivov I.V., Kivshar Y.S.

Nonlinear switching with a graphene coupler//Physical Review B, 2013, Vol. 88, No. 4, pp. 045443 Подробнее

Orlov A., Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Complex band structure of nanostructured metal-dielectric metamaterials//Optics express, 2013, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 1593-1598 Подробнее

Belov P.A., Dubrovka R.F., Iorsh I.V., Yagupov I.V., Kivshar Y.S.

Single-mode subwavelength waveguides with wire metamaterials//Applied Physics Letters, 2013, Vol. 103, No. 16, pp. 161103 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Shadrivov I.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Tunable hybrid surface waves supported by a graphene layer//JETP Letters, 2013, Vol. 97, No. 5, pp. 249-252 Подробнее

Savenko I.G., Kaliteevski M.A., Shelykh I.A., Iorsh I.V.

Spatial coherence of polaritons in a 1D channel//Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2013, Vol. 116, No. 1, pp. 32-38 Подробнее

Poddubny A.N., Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Hyperbolic metamaterials//Nature Photonics, 2013, Vol. 7, No. 12, pp. 958-967 Подробнее

Rapoport Y.G., Grimalsky V.V., Iorsh I.V., Kalinich N., Koshevaya S.V., Castrejon-Martinez C., Kivshar Y.S.

Nonlinear reshaping of terahertz pulses with graphene metamaterials//JETP Letters, 2013, Vol. 98, No. 8, pp. 503-506 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Poddubny A.N., Orlov A.A., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Spontaneous emission enhancement in metal-dielectric metamaterials//Physics Letters A, 2012, Vol. 376, No. 3, pp. 185-187 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Belov P.A., Zharov A.A., Shadrivov I.V., Kivshar Y.S.

Nonlinear Tamm states in nanostructured plasmonic metamaterials//Physical Review A, 2012, Vol. 86, No. 2, pp. 023819 Подробнее

Иорш И.В., Паничева П.Н., Словинский И.А., Калитеевский М.А.

Связанные таммовские плазмоны // Письма в Журнал технической физики -2012. - Т. 38. - № 7. - С. 104-110 Подробнее

Orlov A.A., Chebykin A.V., Iorsh I.V., Poddubny A.N., Voroshilov P.M., Kivshar Y.S., Belov P.A.

Purcell Effect, Surface Modes and Nonlocality in Hyperbolic Metamaterials//Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2012, Vol. QELS, pp. QTh1A.5 Подробнее

Orlov A.A., Chebykin A.V., Iorsh I.V., Poddubny A.N., Voroshilov P.M., Kivshar I., Belov P.A.

Purcell Effect, Surface Modes and Nonlocality in Hyperbolic Metamaterials//2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012, 2012, pp. 6326969 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Shadrivov I.V., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Nonlinear Tamm states in layered metal-dielectric metamaterials//Physica Status Solidi (RRL)- Rapid Research Letters, 2012, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 43-45 Подробнее

Iorsh I.V., Orlov A.A., Belov P.A., Kivshar Y.S.

Interface modes in nanostructured metal-dielectric metamaterials//Applied Physics Letters, 2011, Vol. 99, No. 15, pp. 151914 (1-3) Подробнее


Оптические и транспортные свойства низкоразмерных материалов, помещенных в метаматериальные резонаторы в режиме ультра-сильной связи свет-вещество.
05/22/2020 - 12/31/2022

Квантовые метаповерхности в режиме сильной связи свет-вещество
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Генерация оптических гармоник в оптических субволновых резонаторах на основе локализованных оптических состояний континуума
09/05/2018 - 12/31/2018

Квантовое моделирование новых функциональных материалов для перспективной наноэлектроники
01/01/2018 - 12/31/2020

Высокодобротные оптические микрорезонаторы на основе локализованных оптических состояний континуума
05/18/2017 - 12/31/2019

Топологические фазовые переходы и многофотонные процессы в метаповерхностях
01/01/2017 - 12/31/2019

Генерация квантово запутанных фотонных пар за счёт процессов спонтанного распада и спонтанного параметрического рассеяния в гиперболических метаматериалах и метаповерхностях
12/02/2015 - 12/31/2018